Forensic Psychiatry Studies

Ethical Guidelines

Responsibilities of psychiatrists who provide expert opinion to courts and tribunals

This RCPsych guidance sets out some ethical standards and expectations in regard to psychiatrists acting as expert witnesses.

Further Reading

After Pool : Good practice guidelines for expert psychiatric witnesses. Rix, K., Eastman, N., & Haycroft, A. (2017). BJPsych Advances, 23(6), 385-394.

The psychiatrist as expert witness. Part 1: general principles and civil cases. Rix, K. (2008). Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 14(1), 37-41.

The psychiatrist as expert witness. Part 2: Criminal cases and the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ guidance. Rix, K. (2008). Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 14(2), 109-114.