Sources of Guidance For Expert Witnesses

Oxford Specialist Handbook of Forensic Psychiatry

A comprehensive guide which includes clinical observations, psycho-legal guidance and ethical considerations across forensic psychiatry.

Rix’s Expert Psychiatric Evidence 2nd Edition

A thorough resource manual and guide including duties of the expert, the relevant law across UK jurisdictions, and example reports and templates.

Responsibilities of psychiatrists who provide expert opinion to courts and tribunals

Royal College of Psychiatrists guidelines concerning the ethical duties of psychiatrists giving evidence as experts.

Guidance on the Remuneration of Expert Witnesses

Guidance about expert witnesses in cases funded by legal aid, including fees, prior authority and provisions for specific types of expert.

CPS Mental Health: Suspects and Defendants with Mental Health Conditions or Disorders

Provides up-to-date guidance and case law in relation to many criminal offences and procedural issues. This guidance document lays out the principles relevant to the prosecution of those with mental health conditions.

CPS Intoxication

Provides up-to-date guidance and case law in relation to many criminal offences and procedural issues. This guidance document lays out principles relevant to dealing with issues of intoxication relating to suspects/defendants.

Sentencing Council

The 2020 publication ‘Overarching principles: Sentencing offenders with mental disorders, developmental disorders, or neurological impairments’ guideline aims to provide clarity and transparency around the sentencing process for this group of offenders. This includes factors such as culpability and disposal options.

Equal Treatment Bench Book

This provides practical guidance to enable effective communication and increase participation within courts and tribunals. For example, it provides guidance on what ‘reasonable adjustments’ may be provided by the court in issues related to fitness to plead.

Law Commission Reports

These review existing law as a prelude to offering recommendations for law reform.


E-Law Resources

Provides concise summaries of topics in UK Law, citing summaries of relevant case law.

Mental Health Law Online

A database of case law relating to the MHA, MCA and criminal law related to mental health conditions.

British and Irish Legal Information Institute

A database of British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law.

Case Mine

A searchable database of UK case law.

Forensic Psychiatric Practice in Serious Criminal Cases

This course provides an introduction for psychiatrists who are acting as, or might be asked to be, expert witnesses in criminal, legal proceedings. It includes self-assessment, case-based learning, and pre-recorded lectures.

Casebook of Forensic Psychiatric Practice in Capital Cases

This Casebook is a compendium to the Handbook of Forensic Psychiatric Practice in Capital Cases. Together the two resources provide an authoritative guide on the application of mental health law in capital cases and other serious criminal proceedings.